Every section of this website as it relates to gender studies 101 was created by one of the site curators. This section--- This Bridge Called My Back--- was crated by your professor, Carmen Kynard. This website grew out of my very first attempt to build a website for my students (here's more of that story). As has often been my experience, those first students were wonderful allies and co-creators. I was especially grateful for their collegiality and support since, as a black female professor, I seldom receive that kind of warmth anywhere else on a college campus. At the close of the first semester, I wrote them a love letter (you can read it here) and played them the same song used here, playing in the background. It seems fitting for these reading assignments in this class.... "I'll Take You There" by the Staple Singers: "no smilin faces up in here lyin to the races..."
How We Will Read "This Bridge" TogetherTogether as a class, we are going to read the entirety of This Bridge. We will do this as a community using the jigsaw method. Our task is to cover every inch of this book and imagine why this book, now more than 30 years old, has rippled through gender studies so continually.
There are six sections of the book that we will be dividing up. On this day of class, you need to read your entire section. Skim the section for a sense of it and focus in closely on 1-2 authors. When you come to class, you will meet with a group of people who read the same section. Let's also make a turn at this point in the semester--- remember and reference the authors' names who we are studying. Keep their names always at the tip of your tongue, especially Gender Studies majors and minors. These are the shoulders we are standing on today--- name and know THOSE SHOULDERS! See the syllabus for your writing assignment. You can also click here for Rebekah's work if you want to see an example of a photo-essay. |
To see more about what each section contains, click here. To get to the specific section of the book that you have chosen, click the corresponding line/link below.
For class, come with writing that addresses all of the following: