This pages takes its inspiration from E. Patrick Johnson, particularly his essay, "'Quare' Studies, Or (Almost) Everything I Know About Queer Studies I Learned from My Grandmother" in his edited collection along with Mae Henderson, Black Queer Studies. In this text, Johnson channels Barbara Smith (notorious for calling white feminists to task for their racism) and creates what he calls a manifesto calling out queer studies for suppressing race and class. In a field hell-bent on inclusion and anti-hegemony, it makes sense that even locations as seemingly radical as queer studies are challenged also. You have many choices today for what you can read, beginning with Johnson's very essay. Please see the syllabus for your writing assignment.
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Please note that the reading list on this webpage will be continually updated. Feel free to make suggestions! You will also note that Jigsaw readings have been repeated across multiple units since the writers are not addressing single issues. Please note: you cannot read the same text twice simply because it reappears in our jigsaw choices.