August 30
I. Continuation of Name Game
As a warm-up today, we'll do a go-around: 1) Say your name, major, and year 2) Give quick thoughts on Audre Lorde (your homework) 3) If you didn't do the reading, don't worry--- it's only the 1st week of class. Instead, just say what you have heard about Audre Lorde before today. If nothing, say that also... it'll prove a point if her name is common in history, etc. |
II. Q& A on Syllabus
III. Guidelines for Reading Responses YOUR FIVE WRITING TARGETS: 1) an interesting opening/introduction; 2) strong paragraphs; 3) no hedging; 4) public address; 5) APA style (in-text citations and bibliography) Click here for PDF of guidelines. |
Please create your account at in order to access the class readings. Use your entire email JJay address (i.e., [email protected] and the password is your official CUNY password)
IV. Privilege, Pronunciations & Pronouns... Continued from Last Class
V. Small Group Discussions on Audre Lorde (if enough time)
VI. Open Class Discussion & Sharings
- Everyone needs to share their writing today in their small groups. The class is too large to have full class discussions and hear EVERY voice so we will use small groups. Please choose a group facilitator before you start.
- Read aloud your favorite part from what you wrote.
- Go around the group until everyone has read.
- As a group, discuss: 1) What are your overlapping ideas? Why does everyone seem to agree/converge? 2) What are your differences? What accounts for these differences?
- The facilitator should write (or email/ use your phone if you like) a note to Carmen listing all group members' names and brief notes to #4 above.
VI. Open Class Discussion & Sharings
Please submit your writing assignment at the end of class. Any writing (it must be in hardcopy form) not submitted today will be marked late.