March 6
At the end of class today, we are going into groups in a workshop style to really dig deeper into the "Pass the Hat" questions that you came up with at the last class. Four will be the maximum number of people who can be in a group... at least two people must connect to count as a group. II. Please tape your poster to the wall in the designated section. Please take the poster down at the end of class and submit it (this counts as today's assignment) III. Gallery Walk
IV. Reflective Writing & Discussion V. Group Workshops: Your task today is to talk and come up with an action plan. The facilitator (the first name on the list) will present to the class today. A) What are the main issues here? Who is oppressed, silenced, dehumanized in the issue that your group is discussing? How can you change that? B) Come up with an action plan. Think B.I.G.--- even it seems insane. The laws and policies we take for granted today were unthinkable 50 years ago. Someone had to push through and come up with things that people had never seen or done. BE THOSE PEOPLE!
Your Questions from the Last Class's
"Pass the Hat Activity"